Daily Scorpio Horoscope July 12 (12/07)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

July 12


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 9/10

The future might be tinged with uncertainty but bouncing certain ideas off of friends or close comrades could confirm youre on the right road to bring stability and security where you need both. It could become clear you neednt be as fearful of an evolving situation as you might be. Reassuring advice can come from a friend who has been in precisely the same situation as one youre wrestling with.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

You could believe reiterating a certain point over and over again to a certain person will ensure it will eventually be understood. However, if genuine understanding doesnt exist from outset, drilling the message home over time is unlikely to make much difference. Taking the time now to explain yourself fully, confidently and sensitively will ensure the seed gets planted properly.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

When we find ourselves caught in a huge crowd all pushing to go one direction, we find the experience to be a daunting if not frightening one. Even if we accept were being pushed the very direction we wanted to go in, we resent the way its being done in an uncontrolled way. This week, you might feel you have no control over a direction youre being pushed toward, even if it is one you wanted to go in. If you can be calm and keep fear at bay, then youll find yourself in a place you wanted to be, even if arriving there wasnt in the comfortable way you had planned!


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

If you have a financial adviser, then arrange a meeting with them because youre blessed with superb cosmic support this month to make shrewd and potentially lucrative investments. Money matters come into focus and numerous ways exist to maximize cash flow. Youll need to be more flexible and accommodating than you feel inclined to be where certain discussions or negotiations are concerned around the 9th. A significant boost to your determination levels around month end brings amazing developments on the work front if youre dissatisfied in your current role or are seeking a new job.


health scorpio daily

Star 7/10

It is crucial to make sure that your joints have adequate exercise and not too much pressure put on them. This is especially important, as many of us have a sedentary life style. Yoga is an ideal exercise for strengthening the entire body, for toning the muscles and for keeping your flexibility. A regular yoga practice can save you time and money in the future, and greatly support your everyday well-being. Preventative measures such as this are a necessity, not a luxury!


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

When you meet with internal resistance to your daily health practices, immediately suspend judgment. You are \"allowed\" to eat anything you want, and to spend your time in any way you see fit. There will be days when you will see fit to sit on the couch and watch TV. It is important to refrain from judging yourself. The next day you may want to drink a lot of water to clear the mucous build-up which dairy causes, or to address other effects of your behavior. Learn to do so without passing judgment.


health scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

The cosmos is encouraging you to reflect on how you\re doing with your health. You might want to ask your partner to work out with you so you can offer mutual support. Talk to people who can encourage you to get into peak fitness. Gather any information you need. Now is the time to make a start.


health scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Feeding your nerves continues to be important this month, and it can help you to feel calm even in situations when you might normally be a little anxious. In fact, keeping up this habit can be very important, as you may find it easier to deal with any extra work or matters that demand more of you than usual. Drinking water and avoiding too much caffeine can also allow you to feel more settled. But the need to do regular exercise is perhaps the most important factor, as it will help you channel excess energy while also keeping fit.


love scorpio daily

Star 8/10

The current astral environment could cause you to explode over a certain issue involving a romantic partner. However, this is possibly not the best way to go about dealing with the situation, even though you may get some kind of temporary relief. If you are jealous about the attention that your current date is giving another, then creating a scene will only make it worse. Stop and think first.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

The current planetary alignment enables you to pretend up to a point, but will it actually help you in your current situation? If you have any ideas about how your adopted behavior may change your current relationship for the better, or keep a certain person by your side when they do not really want to be there, then it would be better to think again. Why can\t you be yourself?


love scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

To you, anyone trying to pry into your private business is your worst nightmare. Do what you can in the beginning of the week to protect your much-needed privacy. Your best match over the weekend is someone who can challenge you. If its too easy, you probably wont take the bait. It takes a very fascinating person to hold your interest.


love scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Words dont always mean what you think they mean during the Mercury/Uranus square on July 4, so always follow up written communication with an actual conversation. Miscommunication and romance dont mix. A favorable Mercury/Saturn trine on July 19 wakes you up and lets you see things that others may not, which puts you ahead of your romantic competition. Leave it to you to create openings where there were none! The feminine combination of Venus in Cancer on July 26 adds a hyper-sensitive element to your love life. The emotional ups and down are worth the potential payoff.


career scorpio daily

Star 7/10

Your words will have greater power today and you will have the ability to influence many people with the information you share with others. Don\t keep any secrets from people. The information you have is valuable, so communicate what you know.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

Don\t be a conformist today - especially in the workplace. Your job is to stand out from everyone else instead of getting lost in the pack. Demonstrate to others that you have unique ideas and procedures that should be recognized and implemented.


career scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

If you\ve wanted to go off on your own, this is an excellent time to research a business plan or potential startup funding. This period can see you in a strong position at your current job. It\s also a good time to apply for something new or better. Be sure you have all the facts before making any presentations or arguing a particular position. Long hours at this time will help clear your schedule for fun.


career scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Youll receive favorable publicity for a job well done at the start of the month. Dont be surprised if youre featured in a magazine article or professional newsletter around July 9. Thanks to this coverage, several companies will offer you jobs. Theyre looking for someone with your skills. A career change around July 23 is a real possibility. You could snag a prominent position at a glamorous firm. It will be fun to work with high-profile clients with lots of money to spend. Instead of fighting to pinch pennies, youll be able to assemble elaborate packages that are the envy of your competitors.



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