Daily Sagittarius Horoscope August 12 (12/08)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

August 12


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

We tend to be trusting of paper money. If a note or bill says its worth a specific amount, then, provided weve no reason to believe were in possession of something counterfeit, well take at face value what were told. We dont need to see the coins that confirm the value. Theres something you need to be more trusting of in your world now. As much as you might want reassurance or proof that its trustworthy, you really ought to be willing to accept it as it appears.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Weve all experienced long, tiring and tedious explanations from someone whom we wished didnt go into so much detail and just came straight to the point or the essential facts. You might believe youre being helpful by offering a somewhat lengthy or convoluted explanation. Dont wait for someones eyes to glaze over before realizing that you should have kept your message simple. Stick to the basic facts and remove whatevers superfluous from the discussion.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Rather than accept defeat where your confidence has taken a knock recently, events this week could encourage you to pick yourself up, dust yourself down and carry on. You naturally dont want to simply proceed blindly and end up experiencing the same set of negative circumstances once again. However, what you experienced recently has, among many things, made you stronger and wiser. Be prepared to discover this for yourself.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

You could be called upon to provide levels of support to a family member over and above what youre used to providing, so be as flexible and accommodating as possible. This might take the form of you acting as a mediator or bringing calmness to whatever is tense or chaotic within a family circle. Communication is prone to misunderstandings and misinterpretation, and it might be up to you to resolve such issues. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 21st could be pivotal in you instigating a plan that involves studying, travel, publishing or broadcasting. Take your pick!


health sagittarius daily

Star 8/10

You may feel playful and especially warm toward your partner, your children or your friends today. Expressing this energy to your loved ones is at the same time an opportunity to address yourself in the most loving way possible. If you have needs that you rarely express to those you love, take advantage of this time to get your own needs across in a playful or friendly way. Invite those you love to notice the part of you that you most want them to see.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

One of the best ways to feel free of negative energy is to do a simple fast one day a month. Have whatever you feel like for breakfast - some toast and fruit - but stay away from caffeine of any kind. For the rest of the day, consume only fruit juice or vegetable broth. With a little preparation this can be an easy and refreshing experience. Boil vegetables in water with just a little salt the day before, and bring them with you in a thermos to work.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Feel your body. Get in touch with it, listen to it, and appreciate it. Accept your body as it is, regardless of whether it conforms to somebody else\s standard of beauty. Try dancing to express some of the emotions that may be locked within you, the ones you find hard to express. This is an especially good exercise to try right now.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

With indulgent Venus, your wellness planet, moving through a more intense and emotional sector of your chart, you could be drawn to eating comfort foods in the weeks ahead. The reason is that feelings may be rather intense due to certain astrological factors, and it might seem easier to push them aside than acknowledge them. However, holding back can cause feelings of discomfort within the system that sugary, fat-laden foods appear to cure - but not for long! If you can embrace your emotions, you may find that you lose rather than gain weight.


love sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Today\s celestial energy reveals that your relationship needs new direction, yet you will not discover it in any of the more commonplace pursuits with which most people are usually happy. You will need to seek further afield, and at a level of inspiration that is more subtle and perhaps spiritual. Your mutual goal connects you on a deep level - so you need to be still to find it.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

With today\s aspect at play, you have an interesting romantic proposition coming your way. Whatever else is going on in your life - and this could be much - it seems that you have the chance to relax in an atmosphere of attentive and warm seduction, with just the right kind of music, candles, food and everything else you could want. All you need do is enjoy!


love sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Dont you love it when you meet someone new and youre flirting and getting along perfectly? This could be you and the next great love of your life at the beginning of the week. Dont rule out any possibilities when it comes to romantic potential. Your calendar is full over the weekend, so making time for someone new will be tough. However, where theres a will, there is probably a way.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

A Uranus retrograde begins on August 3, allowing you to gain a new perspective on the puzzle you call your love life. Have some approaches been working better than others? You should know why by the end of this aspect. A Venus-Pluto opposition on August 15 brings out your game-playing tendencies, but youll have to work on limiting this approach if you want to find your true love. Manipulation wont bring the results you seek. Mercury backs into Leo on August 26, warning you not to confuse bravado with confidence. Sometimes its OK to feel unsure of yourself. Your dates might even find it endearing.


career sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

Good luck will come from unexpected people and places. Ironically, the less organized you are, the more apt you will be to stumble across the perfect opportunity that you have been waiting for. Adopt a carefree attitude and you will succeed.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Working with groups of like-minded people will bring you great success today. A cooperative effort will yield fantastic results so don\t be afraid of joining hands. The people around you will be extremely supportive of your personal goals.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 7/10

This period can bring complications due to assumptions or a work-related flirtation. Map out a writing schedule for your project and stick to it. This time brings a focus on joint finances, recycling, and reusing. These are areas where careful attention will help you personally and as part of a larger organization. It\s possible to have unfortunate disagreements with people over who\s boss or the handling of chain of command decisions.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

August 7 is ideal for delivering a big project. Not only will your contributions be appreciated but you may also be offered a big bonus. Word of your ability is spreading. Its possible someone will ask to write an article about you for a magazine or website. If your boss wants you to go on a business trip near August 21, accept. This will be a golden opportunity to sign some new business. Youll also have an opportunity to eat at fine restaurants and visit places of historic interest. Getting paid to see the world suits you perfectly.



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